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2008-01-13 - 9:19 a.m.

Since I last posted�..

I haven�t read on line journals but have been on Facebook and found out it is a place to fear.

I have got married and had a honeymoon in Kenya, since then Kenya seems to have gone downhill somewhat. It was an interesting trip.We ballooned around mount Kenya, dived off a coral reef, ate crocodile and drove for many hours across the worst roads I have ever experienced. Never thought I�d ever see a cheetah kill something but I have now.
I have split up with my wife about 4 times since then.

I got a hernia then paid a surgeon to rectify it just before Christmas. Just after that some idiot drove into my car, which was parked just outside my house and drove off, causing a load of damage.
I started working on a computer support line�.and I know nothing about computers to be honest. It is amazing that they were happy to employ me. I have just left as I hate the job and I don�t like the fact I didn�t know what I was doing!

While I was recovering from my operation over Christmas I had the inlaws around for Christmas lunch�.I cooked a multi bird roast. I boned a goose without breaking the skin, stuffed it with a boned chicken, sausage meat and stuffing and a few duck breasts. It all worked out fantastically.

When I got back to work, just before I resigned, I managed to loose my bloody wedding ring! Damn it!

Now I am looking for a proper job again�.

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