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2007-05-31 - 4:48 a.m.

Well I�m back in the good old UK, dear old blighty.

I�m knackered but have at least one more day to confuse my body clock before going to work for a 12 hour night shift.

Sunday V and I just hung around the bedroom all day which was nice but did we have to go all the way to LA to do that???? Yes, by that time she had given up on the Star Wars convention and completely alienated herself from her now former geek friends.

In the evening we went to the Rebel Legion mixer and so V dressed in her X Wing dress uniform again�we got there within an hour of the start of the damn thing and the food was gone. I mean ALL the food was gone. The hotel had ripped us off.

One of the organisers paid for some extra food herself�which was still pretty bad, so someone organised a collection for her. When V and I passed our money over Tomika took it and made out SHE was donating! What a fucking nerve! That girl NEVER paid her way for anything. That annoyed me but wasn�t to be the most annoying thing that she did.

I paid compliments to a nice couple from Argentina that had done well in the convention costume competition (they were on honeymoon�ahhhhh!!!!!) and we left early as the whole function was crap and we were hungry. Tomika joined us despite the major negative vibes we were giving out to her. I think she is just too stupid and self centred to notice.

The taxi driver tried to rip us off and ignored all our directions and tried to take us on some sort of magical mystery tour of LA�..
He took us on the freeway and around several neighbourhoods we didn�t need to travel through. We were genuinely shouting at him to stop for 10 minutes before he did so�I thought I was going to have to reach around and strangle him to get him to stop. Literally he ignored us for 10 minutes. Basically we were kidnapped.
When he eventually stopped, around half a mile in the wrong direction from where we had asked to go, he said �What�s wrong?�
We pointed out that he had ignored us for the entire journey and V said she would report him to the police. For some reason he said we didn�t have to pay. Well thanks for nothing�
God I was damn angry.
He had so clearly ignored�.not misunderstood�our directions, I thought I was going to have to get violent and I hate that. We honestly thought at one point that he was trying to kidnap us.
Some taxi drivers should be shot.

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